「與家同行」是一間由兩位國際認證行為分析師 (BCBA)創辦的社會企業。我們深信,家庭是社會重要的基石, 締造和諧的家庭,可帶來更美好的社會!
Family in Action is a social enterprise founded by two Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA). We believe families are the basis of society, building harmonious families will help to form a better society.
「與家同行」透過ABA 應用行為分析,為家庭提供 1-1 親子訓練及支援服務,把 ABA 之正面管教概念傳遞給家長,並為孩子制定個人化行為介入計劃 ,與家長一起實踐正面管教孩子的方法。
Family in Action empowers parents with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) knowledge and skills. Through 1-1 customized parent-child training, parents will learn how to apply ABA in their daily living, to better understand and manage their child's behavior, and help them acquire meaningful skills.
Doris Chan, MA, MBA, BCBA 國際認證行為分析師
Founder & Director 創辦人及總監
Doris 一直熱衷於兒童教育,先後取得工商管理碩士及兒童與家庭教育文學碩士。其後修讀ABA應用行為分析,取得國際認證行為分析師資格,擔任行為治療師及臨床督導工作,為小朋友提供1對1在家及到校訓練,以及ABA親子訓練;並透過講座,把ABA的正面管教概念傳遞給家長及有需要服務家長及兒童之人士。
Doris has strong passion for child education. She has worked in the business sector before joining the field of ABA. After she obtained master’s degree in Child and Family Education and became a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA), she takes up the role of both behavior therapist and clinical supervisor. Her work scope includes one-on-one ABA training, school shadowing, parent training, and dedicatedly advocates the principles of ABA via seminars and workshops, target to both parents and educators.
Katrina Tsang, MSSCs, BCBA 國際認證行為分析師
Founder & Director 創辦人及總監
Katrina 分別在應用心理學及輔導學取得碩士學位,並於ABA領域擁有超過9年經驗。她曾擔任ABA行為治療師及臨床督導,並擔任特殊教育學校的顧問,在學校的ABA訓練工作具有豐富經驗。經常透過講座及工作坊,為家長及教育工作者提供ABA正面教學和管教孩子的技巧,以及為家庭提供ABA親子訓練。
Katrina has obtained master’s degrees in Applied Psychology, as well as in Counselling. She has over 9 years of experience in the field of ABA, and has taken up the role of behavior analyst, clinical supervisor, consultant at school of special education and had strong experience in shadow teacher service. At the same time, Katrina dedicates in direct parent training and disseminates the principles of ABA via seminars and workshops to parents and professionals who work with children and their families.
「 與家同行」得到社創基金及樂施會的撥款資助,將免費提供服務給符合資格的低收入家庭。
如欲了解更多,請參考我們的服務計劃詳情 或 聯絡我們查詢。
With the support of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund and Oxfam Hong Kong, Family in Action will offer free service to low-income families who meet the project requirements. Please refer to our service plan or feel free to contact us for details.
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